Saturday, April 20, 2013

Secret Books & Public Spaces

Have you ever read a book you didn't want anyone to know about?
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It was racy or forbidden and you didn't want your parents to know or your friends to know? Perhaps it was to answer a question that you desperately needed answered or to find your identity in fiction or reality - to know you weren't alone? If you've been a teenager, you've probaby answered yes to that question. And for all that the internet makes finding information easier and more private than ever before, sometimes, you need a book to answer questions in greater detail than you are finding in your searches. Perhaps you've read an article by an author who promotes her/his more extensive writing. Either way - books still need to be on shelves in libraries to help readers find the answers to their personal journeys. That's why getting rid of all books in a school library can be a huge mistake. This is particularly poignant for teens who are struggling with deeply personal issues of gender identity or self-harm or family problems. While reaching out to find others who struggle with the same thing on the internet can be useful, some teens aren't quite ready for that outreach.

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